The reality of aging parents naturally brings some possibly sticky questions and conversations well past the time of the birds and the bees:  living arrangements, long-term care, driver licenses, and end-of-life issues (to name a few). No matter how...
carriers of coronavirus

We The Carriers

We are the ones who might get sick but probably won't die. The ones with the mild symptoms. It's nothing serious but stay home. You'll be fine but wash your hands. We are the college students moving in a hurry. Unceremoniously packing our dorms. Never...
Kids love treats! But after a summer of ice cream and popsicles, you might be ready to try something different. Treats are fun but feeding kids food that sustain them for their days at school is even better. Looking...
Do you have a picky eater? Are you exhausted with  the daily meal time battles? Are your kids snacking around the clock?  I hear you and I was there once too! It was exhausting and 1 person usually ended up ...
I was consistently gloomy in winter. I wasn’t active, wasn’t getting my daily dose of Vitamin D, and I was counting down the days until I could visit beach, mountains, and lakes. It wasn’t until a friend asked if...
"I just peed a little!", she squealed as she laughed and laughed at her good friend's joke. And they all erupted in fits of laughter because of how relatable her incontinence was. It was a mom's night out, after...
Forget resolutions. I know what I should be doing to create a better me and no amount of promising is going to help me do it. What I need is a way to stick to the systems I have...
When my son decided that he didn’t want to play soccer anymore, but he “definitely want to play something”, we signed him up for our newly minted town flag football program. We weren’t sure what to expect. But we...
Seacoast Moms' owner Allison was lucky enough to talk to Amy Aylward about girls in flag football. Both her kiddos play and her daughter, in particular, has taken to it. With four years of flag football under her belt,...
Crystals as extraordinary mindfulness tools for young kids. I love crystals and meditating with crystals. Not only because I am an energy healer, but also because they are amazing mindfulness tools not just for me but for my daughter. Inspired...

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Uniting Mothers as Advocates

I distinctly remember laying in my bed when I was in the thick of my infertility journey and seeing the first photos of the...
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