Making Today Count There are 1,440 minutes in each day. I want to make the most of each of them and make today count. Setting tiny goals will help me achieve a larger degree of success, so I have been reflecting lately on...
I will be eligible to collect Social Security upon my 18-month-old son's college graduation. I don't really open with that line when I meet new parents, but I think it. Older celebrity moms setting a trend? But I don't have a glam squad! Credit the...
Cancer. Cancer sucks. We all know this. Because October is breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to share the story of a bad a$$ mama I know. Jennie Small is a kind, brave, funny, and all-around-fabulous lady. She is a mom to three...
Expecting Pelvic Health: Online Support for Moms and Moms-to-be Do you expect pelvic health? Or are you resigned to living with pain, discomfort, and possibly even incontinence during your childbearing years and beyond? Dr. Ryan Bailey of Expecting Pelvic Health...
There is a lot of talk about how twins have a magical connection that most of us roaming the earth just don’t understand. Up until about two and a half years ago I thought this was an old wives...
I’m gonna be honest: as a parent, I love a good juice box. Convenient, somewhat nutritious, and oh-so delicious, they can be found in every grocery store, kids birthday party, and most school lunches. Yet, new articles and...
We have never been a household that makes multiple options for meals. We make one meal for dinner and that's what everyone eats. Usually that meal consists of a protein and some vegetables but we aren't entirely strict about...
Ever since the days of preschool playdates, monkey platters have been a mainstay in our household. Forget trying to craft edible and allergen-free creations for eight unruly and opinionated preschoolers. The monkey platter pleases and nourishes all. The inspiration...
A few months ago, I'd had enough. The playroom was a MESS. We were drowning in clutter and I couldn't take it anymore. Toys were everywhere- ALL THE TIME. They never got cleaned up. In fact, most of them never even...
My kids can talk me into just about anything. For those in doubt, let me introduce you to our pet pig. Her name is Gerta, and she lives free-range in the house like a dog. Except she's a mini...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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