Thank you to our sponsors for making this holiday shopping guide possible. Here at Seacoast Moms Blog, there are few things we love more than providing the absolute best resources for local moms while supporting the businesses and brands that we...
One-third of babies born in our country are born via cesarean section (C-section) each year. The World Health Organization recommends an ideal cesarean rate of 10 to 15 percent. At this rate, cesareans are being performed only when medically necessary....
If you are a mom in your 40s, you might feel like a piece of meat stuck in the middle of a family sandwich. That is, you may routinely vacillate between caring for aging parents (or in-laws) and your young child....
As parents, we can choose from a smorgasbord of options for books on parenting subjects. Discipline, sleep training, baby 101, etc. The list goes on and on. That's all well and good, but as we guide our little ones through life, certain personal...
I'm in love with healthy breakfast food. Eggs, avocado, home fries, name it, I love it! However, just last year, I wasn't enjoying any of these delicious and nutritious foods for breakfast. I ate lots of cereal, small fruit smoothies,...
   To be a boy-mom, or a mother of only boys, is to have a close personal relationship with noise, dirt, laughter, and sticks of all shapes and sizes.  Once upon a time, I thought I was really missing out by...
Valentine's Day: It's Not Just for the Kids, Remember? There's glitter everywhere. Glue sticks and heart stickers are strewn all over your kitchen counter. A sea of red and pink envelopes you. Your children are making Valentines. Yay. While they...
For parents, the soon-to-be empty nest looms large the entire year before the last child graduates and moves out. Even the long humid days and nights of summer seem shorter when your child is packing to leave! Before you...
Is there anything better than singing classic songs in your car at the top of your lungs? Sometimes, it's exactly what I need to de-stress after a long day at work. Music can be so therapeutic. It can also...
Post-it notes are a common tool in homes, schools, and workplaces. They can add a thought or information to a document without doing any damage, are great for compiling to-do lists, help with keeping track of ideas in a...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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