When my husband left, I knew it was going to hurt like hell. I took it day by day. you’re in survival mode when you're coping with loneliness as a single mom. But having a toddler running around and...
Every time I open my news feed there's another tragedy that has unfolded over the course of the day. Talking to kids about current events, in particular my kids, has been one of my biggest challenges as they continue...
Women are naturals at multitasking. Can't you imagine a cavewoman with a baby strapped to her back, leaning over a fire cooking dinner? Can't you see her doing this while hollering at her husband to gather more fruits and legumes...
“BAH HUMBUG”, she cried out as we discussed the upcoming holiday season. As I hung up the phone with a friend, I thought of a handful of conversations I’d recently had. Three friends of mine are all going through...
Here we are again. Another school shooting. Another mass murder. Will it ever stop? I'm enraged and devastated. Yet I cannot dwell here. I must act. Will you join me in these action steps to combat gun violence today? ...
I love rainy days. I feel like they always come just when I need a sign from the Universe to slow down. Our world is in a state of chaos, and I can't seem to find a balance between fighting my...
The truth is that I lose my cool as much as the next mom. No one can push a momma’s buttons and try her patience like her babies. Mothering is all too often an exhausting, all-out sprint to bedtime...
Let me start by saying I am NO EXPERT on diet or clean eating.  If you've been following my posts, you know I had quite the journey getting pregnant with baby #2.  I have always been fairly health conscious...
I’m gonna be frank with ya’ll. I am an introvert. The thought of large, boisterous gatherings overwhelms me. The promise of spending a quiet night in, undisturbed with a book in hand, could probably bribe me into some sort...
Parents with children under the age of 18 are the first to entirely raise their kids under the glow of social media applications. We are also the first to participate in "sharenting." We gleefully humble brag, share cute (yet...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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