I’ve had my moments over the last few months when I was simply not okay. And that’s okay, because this year has been really, really hard. Taking care of myself has gone out the window.      And with all...
As was the case with many issues I didn't give a second thought to before becoming a mother myself, eating my own placenta was something I was pretty sure I would never do. I remember Alicia Silverstone touting her "happy...
“I. Just. Can’t.”  “I’m so DONE!” Before last year, I threw those statements around light heartedly or for dramatic effect. Perhaps, one son left half eaten food under his bed. Or maybe a work event, school parent night and unplanned...
The holidays are fast approaching. For some this feels exciting while for others it invokes a deep feeling of stress and anxiety. For many, the holidays add countless additional tasks they are responsible for in a world in which...
Crystals as extraordinary mindfulness tools for young kids. I love crystals and meditating with crystals. Not only because I am an energy healer, but also because they are amazing mindfulness tools not just for me but for my daughter. Inspired...
Parents with children under the age of 18 are the first to entirely raise their kids under the glow of social media applications. We are also the first to participate in "sharenting." We gleefully humble brag, share cute (yet...
Schools are open (yikes!) and whether you are choosing a remote, hybrid, or any other model, we are all stressed. As we've shared before, managing anxiety during CoVID-19 is not the easiest, but I'm hear to help. Here are some...
In the glitz and glamour of Mother's Day, we often forget that being a mother and being mothered can be painful experiences. In my healing practice, I often see energetic wounds that are due to how someone was mothered and...
Cancer. Cancer sucks. We all know this. Because October is breast cancer awareness month, I wanted to share the story of a bad a$$ mama I know. Jennie Small is a kind, brave, funny, and all-around-fabulous lady. She is a mom to three...
Here we are again. Another school shooting. Another mass murder. Will it ever stop? I'm enraged and devastated. Yet I cannot dwell here. I must act. Will you join me in these action steps to combat gun violence today? ...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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