Tag: coronavirus

Social Distance Summer

Social Distance Summer? Weekly Theme Ideas for Summer at Home

So back in January, I planned our summer - those weeks felt crazy when we had to register for the Seacoast summer camps. Ours...

A Reminder: It’s Okay to Not be Okay Right Now

It was the breaking point that I knew was coming. I just knew it.  I needed to get out of the house for a change...

Imaginative Play Ideas for Young Children

During the day, I’m home alone with my two and four year old. I’m also trying to work a full time job remotely. Just...

My 3 Secrets of Personal Care

I have secrets . . . and it's time to share them! I have close friends who already know my 3 secrets of personal...

Flexible Seating Ideas for Remote Learning from a Physical Therapist

As a physical therapist and a parent of three kids, I've always been concerned with my children’s posture. Now that we are remote schooling,...

Bringing Back the Art of Storytelling with Your Family

We are all at home, living through unprecedented and uncertain times as we social distance with our families. With our more relaxed schedule, I...

5 Ways To Support Your Teen During Crisis: An Expert Weighs...

Before we dive in, just know you are doing better than you think you are. Truly. We are currently living in unprecedented and uncertain times....

A Librarian’s List of Awesome Audiobooks for All Ages

In this time of "Safe at Home", I'm finding it harder and harder to find moments alone to recharge while I social distance with...

Finding and Celebrating the New Normal During Covid-19

We are living in unprecedented times; faced with uncertainty and a toilet paper shortage. Yet this generation of moms has hitched up our leggings,...
Captain's log USS Coronavirus: woman writing in journal with coffee cup

Captain’s Log, USS Coronavirus: Day 15

We've been on this ship for, what seems like, years. I've been my crew's hostage for, again, years. I don't know the day or...
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