True story: I am an enneagram type two to a tee.. Empathetic, self-sacrificing and…a people pleaser in recovery. And I'm worried I'm raising a people pleaser! Recently, I was talking to my eleven year-old daughter about consequences for some less...
Before we dive in, just know you are doing better than you think you are. Truly. We are currently living in unprecedented and uncertain times. Teenagers are adjusting to this “new normal” during a very social and expressive stage of...
When I was little, I felt everyone was cooler and had an easier life. I thought mean kids were mean for sure, but higher up on the food chain somehow. Then, something interesting happened. I survived school, went to...
T'was a snarky day at work when a co-worker hilariously (yet aptly) observed that the only real way to ensure that staff emails got read was to post them in the bathroom. Because let's face it, when you're on the...
We bought our newly minted 6th grader a used iPhone because I was worried. We worked full time and she would be walking home after school by herself -- I wanted to know she was okay. She was positively...
Do you remember those days when your baby would seek you out, cuddle you, fill up your arms and just couldn’t get enough of you? (And maybe you were needing a break, wishing for some alone time?) Yeah, that...
   Learning to drive is an exciting time in a young person's life. It signals the onset of adulthood and the prospect of independence. While I forgot a lot from my childhood, getting my own driver's license stands out. Teaching...
With the magic of summer nights upon us, I often get questions about bigger kids and summer bedtimes. Mostly, are my kids getting enough sleep during summer?  “My five-year-old doesn’t want to go to bed because it’s still light out...
I met my future husband for the first time on Super Bowl Sunday of February 2012. He had 2 daughters. I had 2 daughters. Together we had four girls ages 6, 7, 8, 9. Cue Brady Bunch theme song . ....
Riding a bike gives a child a sense of freedom. When I was little, I equated riding my bike with adventure. I would ride to my friends house or to the corner store to buy candy. We would ride...

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Winter is in full swing here on the Seacoast and with it comes lots of opportunities for family fun. Even if you’re not a...
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