I have secrets . . . and it’s time to share them! I have close friends who already know my 3 secrets of personal care. They agree–they’re just too good to keep quiet. These acts of self-care are tried and true, having been in my regimen for years. I actually share much more than just 3 secrets. Many tips below! But if you’re in the same position as I am where “all this time at home” really translates to “this is the most unproductive I’ve ever been in my life can I get a minute alone pleeeeze?!” Then you’ll be happy to know, these are one-step applications, stand alone or combined. We need easy and amazing right now. And these are just that!
The positive results of this self-pampering are immediate. And who doesn’t need to feel instantly new and revived these days? Your hair, face and body will absolutely LOVE these simple and transforming little treats.
My 3 Secrets of Personal Care
Secret #1: Hair Care
I trim my own split ends. Weekly. It’s so easy and satisfying to get rid of any dead ends that I can see. It is imperative to use extremely sharp, hair styling scissors. If you use even the slightest of dull scissors, you’ll splay the hair strand, leaving you with more damage. If you’ve already gotten antsy and used regular scissors on yourself or your child’s hair, my recommendation is to order these affordable hair cutting scissors and re-trim. Links are in the pics.
Hair care extra: Once a month, right after I trim my hair I cut open a large leaf from my aloe plant and slather the aloe gel all over my hair and scalp, giving focus to the ends that were just cut. This nutrient-rich vitamin-packed moisturizing treatment is an ultimate luxury for your beautiful strands. If you don’t have an aloe plant, head to your local greenhouse immediately! (I love Churchill’s and Newton Greenhouse). Aloe plants are so easy to maintain. And we have used ours so many times for burns, cuts and scrapes since the healing properties are amazing.

Warning: Pure aloe does not smell good. To me it smells quite bad, actually. So when the hair treatment takes place and your family sees you with this slimy substance all over your head + unpleasant smell, well, just be ready for allll the commentary.
Tips: Japanese Camellia Seed Oil is heavenly! Avocado oil is also fantastic. I eat 1/2 an avocado almost daily, so whatever is left in the peel is what I apply to the ends of my hair before a wash. Regarding coconut oil… People swear by it. But for some reason, it nearly ruined my hair. The ends of my hair started breaking off and were so dry and brittle. About 6 months ago, my stylist had to cut inches off my hair because of this.
Secret #2: BODY CARE
I use long, exfoliating Asian cloths to clean my body. Honestly, these have been part of my personal care since I was a child. They are long and absolutely perfect for washing all the hard to reach areas of your back and body. They stimulate circulation and can be bunched up just like a regular body poof. My husband is 6’2″ and getting more inflexible by the year (hello yoga?) which is why he loves these long cloths. There are mitts and shorter versions, if you just want the exfoliating and increased circulation effects without the length.

Warning: They are super duper exfoliating. Some would say too rough. Just use it gently with light pressure — and definitely not on your face. I couldn’t find any of the softer versions online to link for you. Sometimes they’re at HMart in Burlington. Message me and I’d be happy to pick up a soft one for you as soon as we get released from house prison.
TIPS: These are perfect for every expecting mama out there. These washcloths saved me during my pregnancy with the babes when my stomach was so big and I could barely move. Thankfully, I had these, and honestly, they were so massaging that I highly recommend them to all the pregnant ladies. Oh, and the fantastic, smooth coconut oil. Slather it all over your body after every single shower. It goes on faster than lotion and dries quickly. I preach moisturizing after a shower and bath like I preach washing your face at night.
Secret #3: FACIAL CARE
Speaking of mama’s and babies… Remember that good old Lanolin? Well, I am 5 years post-partum and STILL use it regularly. But, on my eyelashes and lips. Lanolin is my secret moisturizing weapon because it is the most emollient and covering product. A little goes a long way and it stays exactly where you place it. For my lips, lanolin is better than any other lip treatment I’ve tried. And it’s a special treatment for my eyelashes (at night or on a makeup-free day). I use it once a week. It has never given me acne, but my sense from the viscosity is that it could. So, be very careful about placement and vigilant about washing it off thoroughly.
Runners, bikers or anyone who spends a lot of time outside in the elements, lanolin is a great barrier/protectant for your skin. It works like a miracle on my kids when they have red dry cheeks and cracked lips. Even now in Spring, my son is out riding his bike with bare hands in 45 degree weather. Add wind and it’s freezing! His little face and knuckles get so chafed and dry. So after bath, I put lanolin on him, and the next morning, he’s like brand new.

Warning: The texture is sticky, which kids don’t like. I take a little Lanolin, use my breath to warm it and keep rubbing it between my fingers until it’s more smooth and melty. This helps it glide better if you’re trying to put it on sore cheeks or hands. Also, it is animal based (sheep), so this may not be the right choice for some.
TIPS: I filled lip balm containers and give them to my children their own. Put one in your child’s backpack, car, medicine cabinet, and beside your bed. If someone catches a virus, you won’t feel bad for tossing it and making them a new one because a jar of organic lanolin goes a long way! If lanolin’s not your thing, Argan Oil is another favorite of mine. Aloe Vera too.
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” ~ Maya Angelou
Sharing my 3 secrets of personal care felt right given they are isolation-appropriate! These are tips that are so simple to do, since the last thing you need is another complicated craft, recipe or task. Use these secrets to boost your mood and spark some self-satisfying feelings. The best part is they are timeless, natural and can be shared with the whole family.
Speaking of helping others, regarding Secret #1, I am dying to cut my husband’s hair ? It’s bigger and puffier each day that goes by. Fingers crossed he says yes. If so, video time! Connect to Facebook and Instagram to see it when it happens. One of my 19 dream jobs is to style hair!