We are living in unprecedented times; faced with uncertainty and a toilet paper shortage. Yet this generation of moms has hitched up our leggings, fixed our messy buns, and created a new normal during Covid-19. Are things perfect? Not even...
Winter is such a beautiful time of year. Everything is covered in snow and the Seacoast is riddled with lots of fun, cold-weather activities. But let’s be real here--there are parts of winter that totally suck! It’s cold! Everything takes longer to do...
You've probably heard the term "Mom Brain". In fact, the term even has its own entry in the Urban Dictionary. It’s discussed in parenting books, psychological and scientific literature as well as social media and television shows. The Science Behind...
Every time I open my news feed there's another tragedy that has unfolded over the course of the day. Talking to kids about current events, in particular my kids, has been one of my biggest challenges as they continue...
Back in the nineties, I bought a yoga video that ended up becoming a big part of my life. The gentle poses featured in the video that taught me how to relax and be kind to myself in my...
If you are wondering, what are PANS/PANDAS, I am here to inform. Here are five things you should know about a somewhat misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition in pediatric medicine. 1. Doctors diagnose PANS/PANDAS based on symptoms. And the list of...
I'm a sarcastic mommy. I complain about the struggle and overshare about my family's less than stellar moments on social media. I do this partly because it's who I am. I have always been a loud mouth and a sarcastic eye-roller....
"This is something that is still not talked about very often. I also feel like there’s this pressure that you’re just supposed to be able to snap your fingers, and continue to walk through life like it never...
Post-it notes are a common tool in homes, schools, and workplaces. They can add a thought or information to a document without doing any damage, are great for compiling to-do lists, help with keeping track of ideas in a...
This season is such a reflective time for me. It’s a time to pause to remember everything we have to be thankful for as we enter this season of celebrations. Sometimes it's harder though. It’s easy to be thankful when everyone...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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