A quick look around the elementary school during pollen season tells me seasonal allergies are everywhere. There are irritated watery eyes, sneezing, and congested noses as far as the eye can see. My children are no exception. This is a...
Hi, my name is Heather and I am a bonafide germaphobe. As you can imagine, this makes raising four small kiddos quite interesting during cold season. With every new Coronavirus hysteria headline, the same thought keeps flashing through my...
I was consistently gloomy in winter. I wasn’t active, wasn’t getting my daily dose of Vitamin D, and I was counting down the days until I could visit beach, mountains, and lakes. It wasn’t until a friend asked if...
Cooking with kids is transformative. Here are 9 reasons to get your kids in the kitchen today: 1. Establish lifelong skills I believe, that knowing how to cook is key to living a long and healthy life. Although kids are not...
The first month of a new year, means something different to all of us. For many we reflect, then resolve to self improve. We all start somewhere. The late night celebration has ended, and the music has stopped. Maybe...
Motherhood can feel like a whole new world. You arrive on a foreign planet and you have to learn to navigate and speak an alien language. And while you may master the basics of survival and learn your way...

Redefining Self Care

Self care is not always defined the same way by different people. Most everyone agrees that self care is to actively improve one's physical or emotional well being. Caring for ourselves is necessary as our lives grow busier and...
Fall is officially here and while our Instagrams are overloaded with filtered family snaps at the apple orchard, not all parents are focused on pumpkin spice and foliage. Dude, I'm counting down to daylight savings time. Yes, we get...
While it’s easy to think of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as a childhood disorder, that's only telling part of the story. Adult ADHD affects a significant portion of the population yet receives very little attention. Just as boys are significantly...
We are rolling into that time of year where stuffy noses become all to common. Also known as the "tackle and hold down a grumpy kid to wipe a nose" months. There are a million things that you can...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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