I watched my newly minted six year old daughter throw sand at her brother earlier this month, not only getting sand all over him, but on an unsuspecting couple trying to enjoy a beach day. She walked away without...
We all know it is going to happen: the questions, the observations, but first the body changes... "The Talk", "The Birds and The Bees", whatever you call it. The time will come to all of us when we take...
Car rides with young children are...enjoyable. Not exactly! Car rides with little kids are... quiet. Nope, not if they are awake! However, car rides can be both of these with some quality podcasts for kids. Huge bonus is they...
“How much does the tooth fairy give these days?” It’s a comment that pops up every couple months on some of the mommy groups I belong to. Comments can range anywhere from $1 to $20 a tooth. If your kiddo...
With summer here, so many of us are looking forward to the change in routine and hopefully slowing down of some of our schedules. While we'll have a few things on our calendar each week (check our family calendar...
Whether you have the passionate reader in your home or the reluctant teen reader in your home, there is something for everyone! Check out these 6 book recommendations for teens that will surely hook them this summer! Friendship and Romance You...
For parents, the soon-to-be empty nest looms large the entire year before the last child graduates and moves out. Even the long humid days and nights of summer seem shorter when your child is packing to leave! Before you...
Do you create a master calendar for your family? There are so many digital options that make appointments and after school activities easier to track. Furthermore, these apps make things shareable between family members and help make pickups and...
In this season of graduations, parents are busy thinking of whatever is needed to prepare their graduate as they venture out on their own. Even as we go over the finer points of laundry and celebrate their achievements, we’ll...
Summer is here! For some families that can mean a jam-packed schedule with summer camps and trips planned. For other families you may be looking for things to do during the summer months, so you don't hear "I'm bored"...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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