Fishing and Kids can teach us so many great lessons about life. Recently my kids were fishing at our favorite spot in Maine. Both of them were about to give up. It's windy and the bait keeps being lost or...
When your child turns 18, it really is only the very beginning of adulthood. But in most of the U.S. and most countries at age 18 they are now legally adults. And as adults, they are legally and officially...
How do we teach breathing exercises to our kids, regardless of their ages? Can we go beyond the simple phrase "take a deep breath" or "count to ten" when teaching our children the very important skill of calming down...
Who doesn’t love an extra hour of sleep over the weekend? “Falling back” at the end of Daylight Savings Time is a gift… for those without small children. Daylight Savings with children is a different story: you may be...
September is NICU awareness month. One year ago this month, I was a brand new NICU parent myself. My daughter was born seven weeks early, following an extended hospital stay when my water broke unexpectedly at 30 weeks pregnant.  This...
Parenting young adults means I'm often wistful for the times when I knew how my son and daughter were doing on a daily basis. Even when they leave home, I don't think parents ever lose that need to know...
Learning how to use audiobooks with my young kids this summer has been a game changer for our family. And full disclosure, I’d never thought to do this until recently! I always pictured audiobooks being used primarily by older...
Do you struggle to get your kids to try new foods? Do you find yourself begging your kids to just take one bite? As a parent of two, I’ve been there and it isn't fun! Can anyone relate? I’m excited...
Your child’s room looks empty and the packed bags and bins are piling up. It’s a transition so many years in the making but suddenly here you are, just a few weeks before your son or daughter leaves for...
The new school year is dawning. As a pediatric occupational therapist, I am getting lots of referrals for school-age kids who are struggling getting ready to go back to school. Their emotions are high, siblings are fighting, and parents are...

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Uniting Mothers as Advocates

I distinctly remember laying in my bed when I was in the thick of my infertility journey and seeing the first photos of the...
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