Do you have a picky eater? Is dinner time the most stressful time of the day? Are you cooking four different meals for each member in your family? My youngest use to be a picky eater! I would cook several...
Happy New Year everyone! Did you make a resolution to read more this year? I used to set a reading goal  (a book a month, for example) but that was not a successful project.  So instead, I developed a...
When I was a kid, I used to roll my eyes at some of my mom's sayings. She'd say things like, “Go as the way opens” or “there are many paths up a mountain” or “head, heart, hands.” I’d...
If you see someone picking through your recycling out on the curb, don't be alarmed, it's likely just one of the teachers from The Children’s Garden Preschool. Imagination and creation are languages children know extremely well. We need to...
From the time they are born a child's safety is at the forefront of every parent's mind. Then, almost overnight our little gems take their first steps and head into the world without a thought as to what kind...
Fishing and Kids can teach us so many great lessons about life. Recently my kids were fishing at our favorite spot in Maine. Both of them were about to give up. It's windy and the bait keeps being lost or...
As a working mom, I understand the need to have your baby get enough sleep at daycare. Here are some ways you can work with your daycare to get your baby on a good sleep routine. My daughter started...
There are multiple options for pediatricians and it's never too early to think about what you want. A big practice with lots of practitioners or smaller more intimate group? A group associated with a certain hospital or closer to...
Millions of Americans tuned in to watch the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden earlier this week, myself included. Don't worry, this isn't political diatribe. Instead, I'm going to share my thoughts on Joe Biden and...
We just got home from an incredible breakfast at Great Hill Maples in Newmarket, NH. It was enjoyable for many reasons. The warm fire, delicious food, great service, but primarily because our nearly one year old daughter was filled...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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