When I was young, interactive books for young children only meant pop-up books. As the younger sibling, however, most of ours had torn tabs and re-taped pop-outs which eventually stopped working all together. In recent years, however, we've seen...
Every family can benefit from organizing. In this post I'll share organization tips for families at every stage, from families with infants to empty-nesters like us. And from personal experience, it's best to de-clutter and organize at every stage! We...
True story: I am an enneagram type two to a tee.. Empathetic, self-sacrificing and…a people pleaser in recovery. And I'm worried I'm raising a people pleaser! Recently, I was talking to my eleven year-old daughter about consequences for some less...
I am sick of my own voice.  I swear my two boys have this incredible ability to IGNORE me and filter out what I say. They seem to hear my husband, and other adults (and a wrapper in the other...
I came from a camping family. Every summer, my parents would pack up the minivan to explore the natural beauty of our country by way of campgrounds. These adventures made me love and appreciate a meal cooked on an...
Do you have a picky eater? Is dinner time the most stressful time of the day? Are you cooking four different meals for each member in your family? My youngest use to be a picky eater! I would cook several...
As a teacher, I sat across from many parents during special education meetings. Back then, I thought I fully grasped what parents were feeling because I fully wanted to be their education partner and I truly cared about their...
As a working mom, I understand the need to have your baby get enough sleep at daycare. Here are some ways you can work with your daycare to get your baby on a good sleep routine. My daughter started...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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