Tag: healthy eating
Cooking with Misa: A class for adults
Please join Misa from Misa's Clean Kitchen in a cooking class for parents. We will have fun cooking dinner together, via zoom, while learning...
7 Go-To Family Dinner Ideas: Kid-tested, Parent Approved
Anyone struggle with figuring out how to make a healthy dinner with minimal time? Anyone find the dinner, decision making process exhausting and overwhelming? Coming...
6 Healthy Halloween Snack Ideas to Make with Your Kids
Halloween is just around the corner! As a mom, I love the excitement around Halloween. Costumes, Trick-or-Treating and parties are all full of fun...
Ten Ways to Encourage Children to Eat More Vegetables
Including veggies in our diet on a daily basis is important for many reasons. Vegetables are rich in nutrients, packed with fiber and antioxidants...
Mama, Put Down The Diet Coke: Health Threats Of Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are ubiquitous in our food system. Food manufacturers add them to sodas, energy and sports drinks, protein powders, health bars, yogurt, gum,...
DIY Acai Bowls: How To Make Them At Home
Nothing makes you feel like you’re on a surf trip or yoga retreat more than eating an acai bowl (well, except for maybe surfing...
Eat Your Veggies! Ideas for Feeding Your Kids–with Less Stress
It's not hard to get stressed out what we feed our kids. We feel it's important that they eat healthy, well-balanced meals. They need to...
Fruit Snacks are Actually Gummy Bears in Disguise
Working as a pediatric dietitian, many parents tell me they offer their kids junk food. I never judge. My kids love junk food, and...