Tag: breastfeeding

Happy Birthday! Seacoast Moms Blog: One Year In Review

It's our 1st birthday and we can't believe it! What we can believe is that our content is the heart of who we are...
Magical Mom Moments

Being Mom Makes You Magical, But it Doesn’t Mean it’s Easy

Whether you're a mom for the first time or the fourth time, the first few months aren't easy. During those long days and sleepless...

Breastfeeding: How I Overcame My Biggest Letdown

One of the first thoughts I had when I found out I was pregnant with my son was, "I'm definitely going to breastfeed my...
go ahead, cry over that spilled milk.

Go Ahead, Have a Good Cry Over That Spilled Milk

Sometimes all it takes is a bottle of fresh breast milk, a toddler, and a good cry. Whoever coined the phrase “don’t cry over spilled...

Four Reasons Why A Dream Feed Isn’t So Dreamy

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “dream feed,” then you’re probably one of those parents who never struggled with your infant’s sleep. In theory, a dream...
First days

Why I’m Choosing to Continue Breastfeeding my Son after One Year

Breastfeeding is a choice and a challenge. After all, parenting is like a marathon that we will always be training for. Here is my story...
As wonderful as nursing is, as time goes on there are some things that are just not so wondeful

The Four Downfalls of Extended Nursing

When it comes to motherhood, there's nothing that can prepare you for it. I mean truly NOTHING! You can have the best intentions and...
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