Landing their first job is a landmark moment in the life of any teen — right after getting their driver’s license! Whether learning how to manage money, wait tables or run a cash register, the life skills an after school job or summer job can offer are innumerable. But, the prospect of finding the right first job can often be intimidating with many options to choose from. I’m here to help get you starting on looking for a job for teens on the Seacoast.
After School Jobs Provide Many Benefits
After school jobs or summer jobs provide teens with much-needed social connections outside of school, mentoring opportunities with other adults, and time away from screens and social media. For teens who may not enjoy playing sports, a job can provide the same experience of working on a team for a common goal. They’ll see first-hand that putting in an effort results in progress and a paycheck.
Many opportunities for teens begin in the service industry. These roles provide students with the opportunity to learn how to serve the public graciously, and sometimes, how to be kind to difficult people.
Your teen will also have the opportunity to learn about banking and saving money. When the time comes for that first big purchase — whether it be a car, a new phone, or some other coveted treasure, they’ll place more value on that item knowing they personally earned and saved every penny that went towards the purchase.
In many cases, a teen’s first manager can end up as a reference on a college application. Some employers even offer scholarships to their student employees.
The good news is, there are many options for a job for teens on the Seacoast.
“Our residents love to see young people working in our community – they enjoy getting to know them personally and our student workers benefit from the amazing life stories our residents have to share.”
Angela salvaggio, director of health care dining, riverwoods exeter
Applying for an After School Job – Important Things To Know

At what age is it legal to start working in New Hampshire?
Students may begin working as early as the age of 14, but there are legal limits in terms of the number of hours they can work on a school day. Most employers begin hiring students at the age of 16.
How do we know which employers are hiring students?
There are many places your teen can look for job postings, but the easiest is on the company website! Many local companies use social media to promote their job opportunities as well. If there’s someplace in particular they would really like to work, it doesn’t hurt to just walk in and ask. Just about every retail business is hiring right now!
Don’t all employers require previous work experience?
Not at all, there are many employers locally who love to hire kids for their first job! One good example is RiverWoods in Exeter and Durham. They train teens 16+ to work in their dining rooms, serving dinner to the residents who live in these local retirement communities. They also hire teens to start as dishwashers in the kitchen and as housekeepers.
Will my teen need to create a resume to apply for an after school job?
Not necessarily! Most employers will not expect your student to provide a resume when applying for their first job.
Who should my child use for references?
Any adult who knows your child well, who isn’t an immediate family member, can be used as a reference. Teachers, coaches, a pastor, or even a family friend or neighbor who knows your child personally can serve as their first references.
What should my teen wear to a job interview?
Obviously, most kids don’t own a suit, but employers wouldn’t expect that of a teen anyway. For boys, instead of jeans and sneakers, opt for khakis and a collared shirt. For girls, dress pants with a blouse or a dress. Avoid jeans, sneakers, leggings, sleeveless tops, or distressed clothing with rips or tears.
Everyone is hiring! How will my teen know which job to choose?
A job that has a competitive starting hourly wage, and provides flexibility in their work schedules, without requiring late nights is important if your teen is working after school. Finding an employer who will encourage them to continue pursuing good grades and provide college scholarship opportunities is also a plus!
Our teenage team members bring a vibrancy and youthful energy to our campus. Our residents are excited to have them here — The relationships built with such a large generational gap is special for both groups.
Crystal Hayes, Director of Dining Room Operations, RiverWoods Exeter
This post is sponsored by RiverWoods Exeter and RiverWoods Durham, two Continuing Care Retirement Communities located on the Seacoast of New Hampshire, serving active and independent adults with the additional security of health care, when or if it’s needed. Both communities have after-school and weekend job opportunities for teens age 16 and up. For more information, call 603-658-1541 or email