Simple Detox for the Busy Mom


Every once in a while, I feel myself on the verge of getting really run down. Often it’s around the holidays, after a busy weekend, or even when the seasons change. It’s like I need a reset. In a perfect world, I’d immediately book a tropical vacation or, at the very least, a  luxurious massage. But for most of us, that’s probably not gonna happen. So I rely on a few simple methods for a quick detox to boost energy and get out of that funk.

Drink lots and lots of water.

I know this seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes we forget to push our recommended eight cups of H2O. But this important step helps flush the toxins out your body and leaves you feeling refreshed. Plain water not your thing? Try drinking a few cups of hot water with lemon. Adding lemon to your water kicks up the digestive system while adding vitamin C for an immunity boost.

Make sure you get enough sleep.

I had to laugh as I wrote this because, especially for moms, sleep can seem like a mythical creature you’ve only heard tales about. But making serious shut-eye a priority when we’re starting to feel haggard is essential. Your whole body has a chance to recover while you’re sleeping, making quality rest KEY to feeling like yourself again. 

Consume some antioxidants.

Instead of heading straight for the coffee every morning, try green tea. It’s gentler on your system while still offering a caffeine pick-me-up. Not a big tea drinker? Berries, especially blueberries, are high in antioxidants and including a serving in your diet is a game changer.

Soak in a detox bath.

Bathing is one of my favorite pastimes and by adding a few ingredients to your tub you can get more bang for your buck (always multitasking!) Fill your tub with hot water and add 1 cup of Epsom salts, 1/4 cup of sea salt, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and a few drops of lavender essential oil.

I swear by these simple steps after a stressful week or busy weekend. Take a little time for yourself and do the detox! 

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Hello, I'm Rachel! I was born and raised in a small town in Southern Maine. Now I live in Seacoast New Hampshire with my ruggedly handsome husband, our sweet son, dog, and two cats. I received my degree in Marine Biology from Hawai'i Pacific University and soon after graduating I moved to Boston and began working in animal medicine. A few years after getting married, my husband and I found ourselves moving to New Hampshire and expecting our son. Now you can find me teaching yoga classes throughout Seacoast New Hampshire. I have traveled a bunch, LOVE the ocean, I always have a thousand "projects" happening at once, love a good workout, and have found the perfect balance between lazy weekends and having adventures.