It’s been quite a year! Here are the top 10 posts written this year from our website from our amazing writers!!
What are you looking forward to hearing from us in 2022?
10. Seacoast Sledable Nature Trails: The Best Trails for Sledding Nearby by Lindsey.
9. 3 Seacoast Nature Walks to Waterfalls by Lindsey. 
8. Why Moms Should Care About the #FreeBritney Movement by Allison.
7. Kick the Cabin Fever: 6 Seacoast Outdoor Spots to Explore this Spring by Heather.
6. If The Future is Female, That’s Good For My Son by Lindsey.
5. How Our Family Survived COVID-19, a 3-Week Emotional Rollercoaster by Sarah.
4. If the Future is Female, Where Does That Leave My Son? by Katie. 
3. I Kept My Kids Home After the Viral TikTok Thread Dec. 17th by Allison
2. Why I Ditched the “No Thank You Bite” by Misa.
1. Mom Confession: I Have a Higher Sex Drive Than My Husband by Anonymous.