Captain’s Log, USS Coronavirus: Day 2


I’ve been on this ship for 2 days but it feels like years. Spirits are low. Well, maybe just my spirits. Or maybe I’m imbibing in too many spirits? I supposed time will tell.

It was a grey day out there and when I asked to crew to venture off ship, I was met with a decisive, “negative”. The littlest crew member went so far as to completely disrobe and throw herself on the ground. It was quite an unnecessary display. Needless to say, we stayed below deck for most of the day.

The ship’s cook, angel that she is, prepped “to go” lunches and snacks for all crew members today. Even though we ventured nowhere, her efforts ensured people stayed out of the mess hall. I noted far fewer hunger cries, which was a relief. That genius woman knows what she is doing and is clearly my ally on this voyage.

During R&R time, I ventured to my chambers. I find myself needing time away from the ruckus. I can’t remember a crew ever being so loud. Secretly, I enjoyed some contraband — the most delicious “O” shaped chocolate, caramel, and coconut cookies in an inconspicuously purple box. I must never allow the crew to learn of this stash as it would disappear in an instant.

Once evening hit, the sun came out. We explored ashore. After a day below deck, it felt as if were escaped some sort of captivity. Can you imagine? Captivity while free? Yes, I know I write nonsense. We even saw land-dwellers this time. We kept a distance as we are still studying them, determining what sort of lot they are. The crew, after having protested outdoor recreation early in the day, seemed to enjoy themselves heartily. Clearly, they have no idea what’s good for them.

All in all, we survived the day. While the crew is in desperate need of my strong leadership, I question my aptitude. They’re so green, so inexperienced! They need so much. I can tell my tenure here will test my leadership. 

Tomorrow is a new day.

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Allison’s mission in life is to notice the extraordinary in the ordinary. Her commitment to see beyond what’s in front of her was fostered by her degree in Philosophy and Theology from Boston College. Allison’s a book nerd and credits her parents and inspiring English teachers for her love of reading and writing. She went on to earn her Master in Pastoral Ministry from Boston College and then taught high school for several years, both in New England and San Francisco. After moving from San Francisco to Boston with her engineer husband, she began teaching yoga and working as a social media marketing consultant. Now a Portsmouth resident, she spends most of her days with her three daughters (she does not have enough arms) and does her best to find the bliss amidst the endless snacking, dance parties and tiaras. With all the beautiful chaos in her life, she’s grateful to have her partner-in-crime (husband Charlie) and fellow movie quote enthusiast alongside her. Her passion for writing first drew her to Seacoast Moms as a contributing writer, and her desire to connect moms of the Seacoast with businesses who serve and interest them led her to become SM’s owner. Being able to write about the ordinary grace present in motherhood, while interacting with incredible Seacoast business owners is a dream come true.