My husband and I both grew up skiing so we long anticipated the day when we would be able to ski with our kids. Last season we set out to introduce our (then) three-year-old daughter and our 21-month old...
Happy New Year! New school year, that is. Though we're still a good four months away from 2020, there’s something about September and going back to school that also sparks a spirit of new beginnings for me. Just like...
There’s an entire ecosystem of safety around school buses. This includes road signs, traffic laws, the size, weight and construction of the bus, and the skill of the driver. It also includes the other motorists. For most motorists, driver’s...
The first day of school can cause a lot of anxiety for students and parents. While kids may worry about friends, missing their families or academics, don’t let the school bus be another source of fear. The bus is a...
If your children have entered middle and high school then likely they have started asking for the trendy styles and feel pressure to wear the name brand clothing that dons their peers in the hallways. And moms, I know...
Whether your child is about to begin his or her first year of preschool or entering high school–the transition from summertime to school time is bound to be a bumpy one. No matter your child’s age, a little preparation...
I approach packing lunch much like I approach much of motherhood: I hyper-focus on what I can do to make my life easier. One thing that makes me crazy is not having what I need. I cope by buying...
As much as I am fully embracing summer, I'll confess that half of my brain is already in Back-to-School mode. For some of you that means the beginning of a new chapter - the first year of preschool or kindergarten!...
August is upon us and for many of us that means back to school shopping. Is the backpack packed and ready to go? My kids look forward to this one item more than any others. Many of my mom...
My daughter's first day of kindergarten looms and I am worried. Kindergarten readiness is determined by common core standards and my child is behind. While I have no doubt that when she is ready she will be a voracious...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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