It's Preschool Registration time! It can be an overwhelming moment in time but I am here to help! No matter where on the Seacoast you live, there are so amazing preschools.  I'm here to help with a rundown of different...
One week into my son’s first experience with preschool, it happened to us. My child’s classroom was temporarily moved to online learning due to COVID-19 exposure.  Initially, I panicked. But actually, it didn’t turn out as bad as I had...
Full disclosure - I am currently doing something that I never imagined I would be doing. I’m homeschooling a preschooler.  Yikes.  It’s true, I'm a certified teacher, but I’ve primarily taught middle and high school students. Teaching preschool, even my own...
All of the recent changes in our back to school plans have me feeling blindsided and whip-lashed. I don't know what I have been doing for the past 5 months, but I'm not prepared for the fall. I am...
I have the busiest preschooler on the planet. No, really, I do. You should meet him. He never stops moving....ever.  And while I love his curiosity and zest for exploring life, it presented me with a rather large challenge:...
Professionally, I am a pediatric occupational therapist, but right now I am a home school mom. Read how we are coping with this "new normal" here. In trying to keep up some academic rhythm for my first grader, this...
My husband and I both grew up skiing so we long anticipated the day when we would be able to ski with our kids. Last season we set out to introduce our (then) three-year-old daughter and our 21-month old...
It's that time of year again. How did the summer go so quickly? I'm getting ready for school myself. I am an occupational therapist, and I work with kids both in and out of schools. A huge part of...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 New Year Reminders for Outdoorsy Seacoast Families

Even though the ground is cold, the trees are bare, and the nights are long - it’s time to be thinking ahead to sunnier...
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