Kindergarten screenings are coming up at the local elementary schools. All the moms from my parent groups are having these crazed conversations - what is a kindergarten screening like? Are they ready? Am I ready? Can we prepare them...
  Now that your kids have been in school for a month or more, you may have already begun to notice the subtle (or not so subtle) signs. You've seen a pattern. You may have already come to realize that,...
    Ah, yes, it's that time! Homework time. Either your kids are excited and ready to dive right in, or they dawdle and find ways to put it off. As soon as the kids come home, the afternoon becomes...
It's that time of year again; summer is officially ending. Kids are back in school, the sun is setting earlier every day, and jackets and sweatshirts are slowly making their way back into our wardrobes. But before we jump...
I’m jumping into the heart of the subject right out of the gate: kids eat a lot of refined carbohydrates. Goldfish, cereal, bread, frozen waffles, boxed mac n’ cheese, breaded chicken fingers…sound familiar? These foods are both convenient and...
It's that time of year again when my Facebook feed is flooded with the shining faces of children heading off to their first day of school. Homemade chalkboard signs held by eager little hands commemorate the passage of time...
As we head into the fall and "back to school" conversations begin, I find myself with several referrals related to kindergarten readiness. As a pediatric occupational therapist, parents seek out my services to make sure their child is equipped...
In the long list of "to do's" in getting our kids back to school, a trip to a hair salon usually makes the cut (yes, I went there). But for some of us, it's a daunting task. Many children...
I know, I know--back in May I couldn't wait for summer to come. Well, now that it's here, I'm ready for the next thing. The grass is always greener, right? These are my top 10 reasons to be excited...
Confession: I might be the only person who LOVES back to school shopping. I love buying new pens. I love the smell of new notebooks. And I love the feeling of accomplishment I get by checking everything off of...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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