I peed on the stick. We shut the bathroom door and waited. It was the longest five minutes of our lives. We turned the knob and burst through together. Our wishes and dreams had come true, the little digital...
Why am I choosing to use formula from day one? The answer is very simple, because I want to. This should be enough, but I'll expand.   I want to start by saying this is my opinion and my opinion only....
There are multiple options for pediatricians and it's never too early to think about what you want. A big practice with lots of practitioners or smaller more intimate group? A group associated with a certain hospital or closer to...
I sat in the passenger seat next to my husband, Nick, and bawled. We were still sitting in the parking lot. He grabbed my hand and told me this was normal. I turned to look at him and he...
September is NICU awareness month. One year ago this month, I was a brand new NICU parent myself. My daughter was born seven weeks early, following an extended hospital stay when my water broke unexpectedly at 30 weeks pregnant.  This...
When you have a newborn in the house, it isn’t as simple as it used to be to keep yourself well-fed. Some non-Western countries, especially those that have preserved traditional cultural knowledge, have support built in to help new...
If we want women to thrive in the workplace, we must address challenges holding them back. One barrier is the domestic and childcare responsibilities women face at home. Organizations have the opportunity to address this. The solution, introduce the...
I experienced postpartum depression and anxiety with my first baby. I blamed it on the circumstances surrounding my daughter’s birth and our struggles with breastfeeding. When I was preparing for my second baby, I tried everything I could to...
Looking back, I’ve “wasted” a lot of money on pregnancy tests over the years. But I guess that’s a testament to the power of Hope. “Is he your only one?” she says, gesturing to my eight-year-old son.It’s an innocent...
There’s a lot to learn when you’re pregnant. It can seem overwhelming. There are lots of pregnancy books you can read, but sometimes a class with a knowledgeable instructor is the best way to go. Luckily for pregnant people...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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