Why is it so hard for mothers to ask for help? I remember my husband lowering me into our bed, leaking breasts, dozing in and out. Grimacing with pain, I couldn’t tell which was worse. The newest pain across my stomach...
I love baby-wearing! My hope is that you will learn to love it too, if you don't already. As a breastfeeding mother and lactation counselor (check out our list of Seacoast lactation consultants!), the ease and ability to nurse...
There are multiple options for pediatricians and it's never too early to think about what you want. A big practice with lots of practitioners or smaller more intimate group? A group associated with a certain hospital or closer to...
Once you find out you’re pregnant there’s a lot to learn!  A quick search for books on birth and babies reveals a staggering number of options.  Which ones should you read?  Sorting through the choices can feel overwhelming.  To...
In October 2019 I found out I was pregnant with my second baby, due July 2020. I had just moved to the Seacoast of New Hampshire from New Jersey. My daughter was barely 1 and I was coping with...
As a new mother, I learned how to be creative when pumping on the go with my first-born. Since I struggled with breastfeeding my first born, so I had to pump a lot at home and on the go....
Sometimes, it's time to call in the cavalry. Of course, we mean Seacoast sleep consultants! If your baby is struggling to sleep and you want some tips, tricks, and coping mechanisms, these experts are here to help. Amanda Gilman of...
Like many mothers, I struggled with postpartum depression and anxiety with both of my children. Up until I had my second child, I didn’t fully realize how postpartum depression and anxiety are dependent on the body’s reaction to hormonal...
Do you realize how much your body communicates? There are reasons for your sleep/wake circadian cycles, feeling hot or cold, craving chocolate or french fries, anxiety, digestive issues, and your moods. They are all controlled by hormones. Despite having...
Physical therapists are often a necessity when you're pregnant or postpartum. They can help with aches and pains, incontinence and so much more. Check out our list of Seacoast Physical Therapists for Pregnancy and Postpartum below and make an...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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