Pre-babies, I experimented with DIY crafts. Scrapbooking, up-cycling, painting, name it, I tried it. Being creative is essential to my happiness, and having children has taken that passion to a whole new level. Now, post-babies, it is all about what...
It's incredibly important for kids to play outside, even in the winter. That's why I'm here with my outdoor gear recommendations for kids. So much value lies in unstructured outdoor play. Experts recommend three hours of outdoor play per day but that can...
Heading this last part of summer in New Hampshire, we're all trying to find ways to beat the heat. Water play is a fantastic option if your child is still uncomfortable in the water, you need an outdoor activity to...
Summer is here and my family hiking priorities have changed. After a walk in the heat, the kids and I just want to wade in some water to cool down. Here are three awesome family-friendly Seacoast nature walks where...
When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and Maine don’t have the largest mountains in the region - there are a few Seacoast...
Parenting during the pandemic hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m one of those moms who really can’t stand the clutter, the noise, the jumping on the furniture. My coping mechanism for household chaos was always to get...
When I was a child, I considered a culinary delight to be a chicken nugget Happy Meal. Fast-forward a few decades and my joy now lies in unearthing the Seacoast’s culinary treasures (especially in the warmer months!) Dining out...

Easy Earth Day Swaps

Ahhhhh, spring. It makes you want to have a cleaner house, a healthier diet, and hopefully make some positive changes to your lifestyle. What's more is Earth Day is here and should be a day where we take a...
Sleep. That ever-elusive topic of new parent conversation. In the early days, we fight with our own lack of it as our newborns slowly extend their nighttime hours. As they grow, we track it - from wake windows to...
The Seacoast is the perfect place to live if you kayak. There is an abundance of rivers, lakes, and estuaries available for flatwater paddling. During the pandemic, the public has flocked to the outdoors as a safe and healthy...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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