I'm naming Summer 2020 "The Unstructured Summer". Because of COVID, I won't rush my six children off to camp or struggle to locate misplaced eye goggles in time for swimming lessons. There will be no hotel rooms or weekend...
I have a very musical family. As I write this post, I can hear my three-year-old son singing “Old MacDonald” at the top of his lungs while his dad, who plays several instruments, plays along with the guitar. My...
If you see someone picking through your recycling out on the curb, don't be alarmed, it's likely just one of the teachers from The Children’s Garden Preschool. Imagination and creation are languages children know extremely well. We need to...
During the day, I’m home alone with my two and four year old. I’m also trying to work a full time job remotely. Just like many parents right now, I found myself searching for valuable play and learning activities...
After the first week stuck at home, I realized this was the time to make some parenting priorities. I needed a distraction and goal - I could teach my kids some life skills that take time and I might...
Imagine this scenario: you are at your local Seacoast library with your youngster: She slows down at the Mo Willems and Gerald and Piggie books (cue warm fuzzies) but makes a bee-line for . . . Captain Underpants? If...
It’s that time of year again: school vacation. The kids are home, their energy level is at an all time high, and it feels like there is an endless stretch of time until school is back in session. Yes,...
Getting kids outside in nature is so important, but can feel so hard right about now. I don't think I was cut out for this NH winter weather when we moved here. But I'm working on it. Getting them...
Did you know that shaping children’s tastes is the key to improving your family’s nutrition? Children’s organs -- like the brain, the heart, and the liver -- are only as healthy as the cells they are made of. An...
Do you have a good sense of your child's hand preference? I am a pediatric occupational therapist, and this is a common conversation that I have with parents. While hand dominance is hereditary, its not a given. Science tells us...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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