Sometimes, it's time to call in the cavalry. Of course, we mean Seacoast sleep consultants! If your baby is struggling to sleep and you want some tips, tricks, and coping mechanisms, these experts are here to help. Amanda Gilman of...
Whether you have the passionate reader in your home or the reluctant teen reader in your home, there is something for everyone! Check out these 6 book recommendations for teens that will surely hook them this summer! Friendship and Romance You...
This week is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week. People often ask how I became a sleep consultant. The easy answer is that my baby did not like to sleep. But the story is so much deeper than that. The...
Did you know that shaping children’s tastes is the key to improving your family’s nutrition? Children’s organs -- like the brain, the heart, and the liver -- are only as healthy as the cells they are made of. An...
Happy New Year everyone! Did you make a resolution to read more this year? I used to set a reading goal  (a book a month, for example) but that was not a successful project.  So instead, I developed a...
Learning how to use audiobooks with my young kids this summer has been a game changer for our family. And full disclosure, I’d never thought to do this until recently! I always pictured audiobooks being used primarily by older...
Living in a digital world means helping children discern between what is safe and what is harmful. This has always been the case, but now, with the world at their fingertips, it’s more pressing than ever.  It’s normal and natural...
My kids may have hit the jackpot with their grandparents. I consider myself lucky in that both my parents are still alive, as are my husband's parents. In another stroke of luck, we live within driving distance (3-4 hours...
During the day, I’m home alone with my two and four year old. I’m also trying to work a full time job remotely. Just like many parents right now, I found myself searching for valuable play and learning activities...
It's complicated to navigate body image in the age of social media. Plus, It's a little scary. Recently, an unedited photo of Khloe Kardashian went viral. It was a refreshing, candid shot where Khloe looked great. But it was...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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