While babies and toddlers are notoriously not the best sleepers, more and more school-aged children are struggling to get the recommended amount of sleep they need to feel well rested. Well-rested children perform better academically and athletically and are more...
Marriage Therapy: not just for adults! I am a big believer in therapy. Having someone guide me through my emotions helps me stay sane. I sat through close to three years of marriage therapy with my ex-husband and while ultimately...
Now that the snow is finally starting to melt and spring is around the corner, it's time to get my little ones away from screens and out into nature. I often find myself overwhelmed when the place is unfamiliar....
Q: Everyone tells me to put my baby down "drowsy but awake" but this seems impossible! How can I teach my baby to go into his crib awake without freaking out?! Help! Putting your baby down "drowsy but awake" may...
It's daunting. A little frustrating. Totally overwhelming. But, it's time. For whatever reason, it's time to find a therapist for your child. Below are five tips for finding the best mental health therapist for your child.  Contact your...
It’s time to plan summer. Moms around the Seacoast are looking for meaningful, accessible, and affordable options for their teens to get away from screens and avoid the brain drain of summer. As a teen educator, adventurer, and mom...
I'm so familiar with that look. The look people give me when I tell them we are flying with small children. Their eyes widen, the look of sympathy enters, and a typical comment like, "Oh man, good luck," follows. But,...
Kids do all kinds of crazy things, right? In response, you hear things like "boys will be boys" and "she will grow out of it" and "this too shall pass". At many points when parenting young children we scratch...
With school vacation week upon us, most parents of school-aged children are mentally drumming up creative ways to spend the days. Museums are usually at the top of my list and with Boston so close, I would be foolish...
My kids may have hit the jackpot with their grandparents. I consider myself lucky in that both my parents are still alive, as are my husband's parents. In another stroke of luck, we live within driving distance (3-4 hours...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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