Did you know that shaping children’s tastes is the key to improving your family’s nutrition? Children’s organs -- like the brain, the heart, and the liver -- are only as healthy as the cells they are made of. An...
We bought our newly minted 6th grader a used iPhone because I was worried. We worked full time and she would be walking home after school by herself -- I wanted to know she was okay. She was positively...
Do you have a good sense of your child's hand preference? I am a pediatric occupational therapist, and this is a common conversation that I have with parents. While hand dominance is hereditary, its not a given. Science tells us...
As a mom to a kiddo with Down Syndrome, I see firsthand how a child with differing abilities positively impacts a neurotypical child. Families who experience disability NEED your help to walk this life! Moving through the world in...
In a mom’s group the other day I saw a question from the mom of an 8-week-old baby. She was wondering what to do about her newborn who was waking 2 or 3 times a night. I was the...
When I was young, interactive books for young children only meant pop-up books. As the younger sibling, however, most of ours had torn tabs and re-taped pop-outs which eventually stopped working all together. In recent years, however, we've seen...
My mom, Sheri, taught us many important skills as kids. But there’s one that I know I must pass on to my own: forgiveness. Growing up in a family of three girls, we didn’t fight too much, but when...
Do you remember those days when your baby would seek you out, cuddle you, fill up your arms and just couldn’t get enough of you? (And maybe you were needing a break, wishing for some alone time?) Yeah, that...
I came from a camping family. Every summer, my parents would pack up the minivan to explore the natural beauty of our country by way of campgrounds. These adventures made me love and appreciate a meal cooked on an...
   Learning to drive is an exciting time in a young person's life. It signals the onset of adulthood and the prospect of independence. While I forgot a lot from my childhood, getting my own driver's license stands out. Teaching...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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