As the holidays approach, I am reminded of where I was just three short years ago. I had a two-month-old at the time and had finally gotten some sort of semblance of a routine to our daily life. Bedtime...
September is NICU awareness month. One year ago this month, I was a brand new NICU parent myself. My daughter was born seven weeks early, following an extended hospital stay when my water broke unexpectedly at 30 weeks pregnant.  This...
In this Covid world, masks are an inexorable part of our new reality. As an early intervention speech language pathologist, I hear concern from families about how the lack of face to face communication may impact their children’s language...
I'm so familiar with that look. The look people give me when I tell them we are flying with small children. Their eyes widen, the look of sympathy enters, and a typical comment like, "Oh man, good luck," follows. But,...
I get the question, "when will my baby sleep through the night" ALL the time. Just the other day, I had this conversation with my friend in my Facebook DMs: FRIEND: I have a really good friend that I will...
Whether it's so you can work remotely, assist older kids with remote learning or homeschooling, take care of a new baby or (the Holy Grail) drink a cup of coffee uninterrupted, every parent needs their littles ones to play...
“Brown paper packages tied up with strings…” There are many “miracle” sleep products on the market. Several claim to lull your child to sleep within minutes. Honestly, don't waste your money. If these products were really miraculous, no one would ever...
I sat in the passenger seat next to my husband, Nick, and bawled. We were still sitting in the parking lot. He grabbed my hand and told me this was normal. I turned to look at him and he...
When I began sleep training my daughter, I faced serious backlash. One woman told me that allowing her to cry (at all) would give her brain damage. Some suggested I would ruin any attachment she may have with me,...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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