A confession: I don't love baby showers. Yes, babies are amazing and I'm all about celebrating growing families, but the parties. Oh, the parties! I wish that I could skip all the baby showers, especially ones that feature melted chocolate...
It's not every day that your best friend calls you up and says, "Ethan won a $10,000 scholarship! And a trip to Boston from an online learning program!" Even more impressive to me was how he earned it--not through...
I was raised in a bilingual home where we spoke both English and Spanish. The scales eventually tipped in favor of English so that my Dad could learn English. But my parents still taught my siblings and me to speak, read,...
My kids can talk me into just about anything. For those in doubt, let me introduce you to our pet pig. Her name is Gerta, and she lives free-range in the house like a dog. Except she's a mini...
Hi, my name is Allison and I let my kids watch TV. Not a ton, but some--pretty much every day. For 25 minutes, I can turn on one of the many preschool TV shows and do whatever I want....
It’s safe to say that if a child isn’t sleeping well, there is usually at least one parent who isn't sleeping well, either. After weeks, months, or even years of sleep deprivation, I understand why some parents may go on the...
Disclosure :: This roundtable was brought to you courtesy of our many sponsors! Thank you to those companies that chose to participate in this guide.  Don't miss our Guide to Working Out in and Around the Seacoast What is the biggest benefit of...
Ordinary is a word I would use to describe my typical day. Dishes. Laundry. Toys everywhere. This is the state of my house. Of course, there are special activities that I try to do with my kids, but those...
 Ever wonder why you never get any relaxation in during a kid-free afternoon? Turns out, there is a children's book that explains it pretty well. As a mom, I have read many versions of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" books....
There's something incredibly special about looking through family photos from my childhood. Recently, my dad gave me a couple of large shoe boxes filled with pictures from my childhood. Dusting off and opening up those giant boxes is something I...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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