Top 10 Posts of 2016

2016 is coming to a close! We wanted to share our 10 most popular blog posts that were published this past year. We hope you enjoy re-visiting them as much as we did! Get Some Sleep! How to Achieve a Restful...
2016 is coming to a close, fast!  Believe me, I am not rushing these last few days because I LOVE the holidays. This time of year always makes think--and let’s be honest--there is a lot to reflect upon this...
As we cruise into another New Hampshire January, the weather sparks a strong desire to escape Old Man Winter. Time to head for palm trees and sandy beaches! Now you can plan a vacation that hits major Caribbean hot...
Creating special Christmas traditions makes the holiday season so memorable for many families. Growing up, my family had one Christmas tradition that nobody else I knew shared. Some of my absolute favorite childhood memories are tied into this tradition. Every year...
“Brown paper packages tied up with strings…” There are many “miracle” sleep products on the market. Several claim to lull your child to sleep within minutes. Honestly, don't waste your money. If these products were really miraculous, no one would ever...
        Holiday Memories Laura The Gift of Family I grew up in this big, unruly, dysfunctional family. There were five of us. I was the oldest, with three younger sisters and one younger brother. There wasn't much money to go...
"Will I regret this?" is a question many of us ask ourselves. It sounds negative, but it actually keeps us focused. At the end of the year, we all do a little pause for reflection.  What gave us pride? What filled us...
Every seven minutes a child receives an autism diagnosis in the United States. Parents continue asking questions but few find answers. The documentary, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, examines the safety of the MMR vaccine and its apparent correlation to autism (the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines were...
Whether you're surrounded by friends, traveling, reuniting with relatives (or in the midst of a silent period with some), holidays are full of emotions--good and bad. It's good to have some holiday strategies to fall back on.  There are expectations,...

Preemie Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is a very real thing! It starts early in your mom career. It stems from a good place, wanting to do the best for your child all the time--but we have to remember we aren’t perfect--we are...

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In + Around Seacoast

Uniting Mothers as Advocates

I distinctly remember laying in my bed when I was in the thick of my infertility journey and seeing the first photos of the...
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