2016 is coming to a close, fast! Believe me, I am not rushing these last few days because I LOVE the holidays. This time of year always makes think–and let’s be honest–there is a lot to reflect upon this year. Much has gone on in our country and around the world. Racial tension, an insane election, protests, and the loss of some pretty significant people like Prince and David Bowie. Can’t forget the Patriots’ “Deflategate,” either.
In our media- and social media-fed country, we mainly hear about the negative.
Personally, 2016 hasn’t been the easiest year in the world. It wasn’t a record-breaking bad year, but it wasn’t a year filled with record-breaking victories either.
The other day when I was cleaning up the kitchen, I thought about just that. How hard the year has been and how I really wanted a fresh start or some sort of break. Then, I picked up the cookie sheets the boys and I had just used to make cookies and thought about how last year I didn’t even own baking sheets. We had just moved into our new home (and recently moved back from Colorado), logging many moves before that. I had lost my baking sheets and had to borrow some last Christmas to make cookies.
That small, simple, even silly moment really made me think about all the small victories we experienced this year as a family.
- Last year, we ended the year with only one tenant (we own a two-family home), and this year we will end the year with two.
- Our boys graduated from wearing helmets this year.
- Our twins also have learned to talk much more–which has its major pros and a few cons.
- My husband and I went on vacation alone, and I took my boys on a plane for the first time on a different vacation. .
- My husband furthered his career.
- I am a little more comfortable in the role of mom. Which includes venturing out alone more often.
- We weaned our twin boys off of their bottles!
- I made a mom friend! (Don’t judge my excitement on this one, making friends is not easy for me).
- One of my sons had surgery and we handled it pretty well as a family.
- I have learned to ask for help.
- I have baking sheets.
Many of these may not qualify as small victories–but they are all worth remembering. It was amazing how my thoughts on the year changed once the victories started to make a list in my head.
Sometimes we get bogged down with all the negative in our personal lives and what we hear on the media. It’s hard not to. The negative stuff is usually major and hard not to think about. As the year ends, family and friends start to gather around try to remember all your victories this year, no matter the size. Focus on all the good 2016 has brought to you. The negative stuff may still be there when the holidays end, but you maybe surprised how much easier it is to deal with after reminding yourself how great you and your family were this year.
Not every year is going to break the record books in awesomeness, but every year is amazing and full of victories–sometimes you just have to remind yourself of them.
Happy, healthy, and positive New Year from my family to yours!