Tag: sensory issues

10 Lessons from Raising a “Challenging” Kid

Maybe your child was an easy baby or a hard baby, it doesn’t matter. They are hard now. They have been for a while....

Exploring Our Way: Sensory Friendly Playtime at Children’s Museum NH

For some children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders, a visit to museums like ours is challenging or overstimulating. The Exploring Our Way:...

Ready for Kindergarten! A Look at the Kindergarten Screening Process

Kindergarten screenings are coming up at the local elementary schools. All the moms from my parent groups are having these crazed conversations - what...

How To Tell if Your Child Needs Occupational Therapy

Kids do all kinds of crazy things, right? In response, you hear things like "boys will be boys" and "she will grow out of...

Sensory Issues in Public Restrooms: Looking Through a Sensory Lens

Why is it that so many kids LOVE to visit public restrooms? I am a pediatric occupational therapist. Part of my job is to evaluate...

Child Sensory Issues – What is Normal, What Isn’t and How...

They say it's "sensory". Too often, people throw that term around when describing kids' behavior - but do they really know what that means?...

Three Reasons Why Your Toddler Won’t Wear Pants

My toddler won't wear pants.  Yup, you read that right, my toddler refuses to wear pants. What's the obsession with being naked? Why does it always...
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