Tag: Pregnancy

5 Books to Read When You’re Pregnant

Once you find out you’re pregnant there’s a lot to learn!  A quick search for books on birth and babies reveals a staggering number...

5 Reasons We Announced Our Pregnancy In the First Trimester (Twice)

I peed on the stick. We shut the bathroom door and waited. It was the longest five minutes of our lives. We turned the...

My Fertility Journey With Acupuncture

I was a year into trying to conceive our second child when someone first mentioned acupuncture to me. I had just been to the...
expecting pelvic health

What To Expect When You’re Expecting Pelvic Health: Physical Therapist Dr....

Expecting Pelvic Health: Online Support for Moms and Moms-to-be Do you expect pelvic health? Or are you resigned to living with pain, discomfort, and possibly...

Pregnancy and Fertility–What Finally Worked When We Were Trying to Conceive

If you've been following along our story about loss here and our redemption story here, you know we've gone through quite the journey trying to conceive to...

Please Stop Asking Me If We’re Done Having Children

I’ve just popped out my third child and the most common question from people during those nine months was, “so, are you guys done...

Two-Minute Makeup For On-The-Go Moms

Let's be honest: if you're a mom, you're probably almost always 0n-the-go. So I love discovering and perfecting quick ways to make myself feel...

Beyond the Birthing Plan: A Conversation on Maternal Health with Oceanside...

It's been about a month since I visited Oceanside Physical Therapy for my first prenatal consultation. With less than four weeks left until my...

Redemption, Pregnancy After Loss: A Follow Up

You may have read our story of Heartache and Baby Loss here. I wanted so badly to end it with exciting news.  Little did I...

Carrying Cautiously: Pregnancy After a Preemie

I write this post as I sit pregnant with our third child. But to be honest, this pregnancy has been carried with a mixed...
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