Tag: autism

10 Lessons from Raising a “Challenging” Kid

Maybe your child was an easy baby or a hard baby, it doesn’t matter. They are hard now. They have been for a while....

Exploring Our Way: Sensory Friendly Playtime

For some children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders, a visit to museums like ours is challenging or overstimulating. The Exploring Our Way:...

Exploring Our Way: Sensory Friendly Playtime at Children’s Museum NH

For some children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders, a visit to museums like ours is challenging or overstimulating. The Exploring Our Way:...

Exploring Our Way: Sensory Friendly Playtime at Children’s Museum NH

For some children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders, a visit to museums like ours is challenging or overstimulating. The Exploring Our Way:...

Exploring Our Way: Sensory Friendly Playtime

For some children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders, a visit to museums like ours is challenging or overstimulating. The Exploring Our Way:...

My Child’s Late Autism Diagnosis: One Mom’s Story

  My daughter has always been quirky, but the last thing we expected before her 12th birthday was a late autism diagnosis. As a toddler, she...
Do vaccines cause autism-does Vaxxed reveal truth or myth?

Vaccines And Autism: Does “Vaxxed” Reveal Truth Or Myth?

Every seven minutes a child receives an autism diagnosis in the United States. Parents continue asking questions but few find answers. The documentary, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, examines the safety of...
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