Seacoast Parents Launch Fair Change, the World’s First Parenting Coins


Seacoast Moms Blog is thrilled to introduce you to Fair Change, a new crowdfunding campaign developed by local parents. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Fair Change, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own.

Local parents Nikki and Steve Parlin think outside the sticker chart. The Seacoast couple has just launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to seek support for Fair Change, the world’s first coin-based accounting system to help manage the discipline and rewards process used to improve child behavior with long term success. The innovative system is geared to help parents regain control of their parental roles and bring laughter back to the family.

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The campaign went live yesterday, July 25th, and has a goal to gather around $5,700 within 30 days.

“Like several parents out there, we were having a hard time finding the right route to discipline and reward for our kids in order to help them improve their attitude and behavior. The traditional sticker chart system, although partially successful at first, was proving to not be that effective in the long run. As seen in a lot of press lately, sticker charts tend to create a reward mentality with possible long-term issues,” said Nikki, Fair Change Co-Founder and President.

The couple sat with other parents, teachers, child psychologists, and read lots of books to find the best alternative to instill good behavior and sensibility in children. With a focus on consistent and fair rules for a rewards and consequences system, Fair Change was born. It’s the first coin-based accounting system in the world that enables parents to manage both the discipline and reward process while achieving long-term success.

“But such a breakthrough project demands robust financial backing and hence, the crowdfunding campaign. Your support would be very much appreciated”, stated Nikki, while announcing the crowdfunding campaign launch on Kickstarter.

The Seacoast couple has already used the coin-based system with their own kids with great success and now are looking to pass on that privilege to all parents.

So how does it work? The Fair Change Starter Pack comes with nine large unique metal coins, grouped in three categories: Last Chance Coins, Lose Coins, and Win Coins. The latter can be redeemed for rewards.

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The child would start the day with two Last Chance Coins. Every time the child misbehaves, one of the last chances would be forfeited. If the misbehavior continues, and there are no last chance coins left, the child will be handed a Lose Coin, tied to unwanted consequences, such as “lose TV.” But if the child is able to continue and end the day with at least one Last Chance Coin, the child would be rewarded with a Win Coin with rewards like “late bedtime.”

Watch Fair Change in action here.

Unlike wall sticker charts, these coins have the advantage of portability and in this way, serve as a constant reminder to improve behavior. This tactile nature is especially helpful for families with kids on the autism spectrum. Moreover, the coins themselves are pretty cool, feature child-friendly cute artwork, which causes little ones to love to carry them. Finally, they are lead-free, can be dropped, spilled on and washed, making them completely safe to use. And yes, their large size prevents choking risks.

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A good bunch of rewards are waiting for the campaign donors, including 1 Fair Change Starter Pack with nine coins, including a bonus Settler’s Coin as a reward for donation starting at $24. Donations reaching $50 & $75 will be rewarded with 2 & 3 Fair Change Starter Packs respectively. The campaign will also offer booster packs containing new win and lose coins when certain campaign goals called “stretch goals” are met.

We can’t wait to try this innovative system! We hope you will also consider supporting our local community while improving your child’s behavior and creating a less stressful, more enjoyable family dynamic!

Early bird pricing awaits the first backers. To show your support for Fair Change, please visit the Kickstarter project directly here. Contact Fair Change Coins at, (603) 498-5801, and click here for the website.