I love taking my kids into downtown Portsmouth. Although, these kinds of excursions take planning; street savvy if you will. Especially when it comes to food, restrooms, and activities — or as I like to call it, mama’s pit stop essentials. You see, taking my two toddlers into any public space these days is like herding highly nimble cats while the stroller is loaded up like a sherpa. It’s no easy feat.
In a perfect world, my kids would be angelically behaved while we waltz in and out of these fine establishments, barely a blip on our marvelous day out. But, the experienced parent in all of us knows that there is no such place as a perfect world. We are much more realistic than that. I am fully aware that my mother’s utopia is nothing more than a fantasy fueled by room-temperature coffee, baby vomit on a freshly laundered sweater, and the occasional curious lollipop firmly adhered to one’s couch cushion.
Why Portsmouth Rocks My Mama World…
Thankfully, we are lucky to live in a city where much of the local sales and service industry gets it. Maybe they’re all parents. Or, maybe they’re just incredibly mindful and sensitive business owners who know just how to cater to their consumers’ needs. Either way, I’m sold. As a walkable city, one of our favorite family activities in Portsmouth, New Hampshire is doing just that. We will spend hours exploring the streets, admiring the window displays, hopping to parks tucked amongst historic blocks of beautiful brick, and taking in the cool salt air rolling in off the river. However, as a parent, every successful excursion must be planned carefully with food and pee breaks in mind. Particularly if you have a potty-training toddler (emphasis on training) or multiples in diapers (heaven help you.)
Pretzels, Pee, and Peace of Mind…
It is this dilemma that prompted this post, and the printable download (embedded below) for your convenience. We’ve all been there. You’re soaking up the fun of a beautiful day, strolling through a vibrant city with tots in tow when you suddenly realize that a porcelain throne was needed, like ten minutes ago. Maybe those perfectly-prepared organic baby food pouches (or that lackluster bag of pretzels) just aren’t cutting it. Maybe all you and your kiddos need is just a quiet space to take a breather. In considering the perfect pit-stop, I searched for the best places that offered a family-friendly environment, stroller-accessibility, adequate restroom accommodations, decent grub, and even child-related discounts. The stops on my list may not have it all, but I promise you they each have something worth breaking for.
My Pit Stop Picks…
Portsmouth is a great city, filled with great pit stops. As a mama who’s scoured the city, I gift you this list of places to break with kids — for whenever you choose to venture downtown our fine city again:
- The Portsmouth Public Library. Sitting on the fringe of the downtown bustle, our library is one of my favorite places to stop with kids. Mom or Dad can take the kids for a potty break in either of their two family restrooms. Their children’s section is comfortable, filled with hands-on activities, and the staff is warmly welcoming. Bonus: They have a small cafe area where you can enjoy your bagged lunch.
- G Willikers! A stone’s throw from Market Square, this quaint toy store is a fun stop for the whole family. Kids can play with display toys while you rest, or shop. Bonus: Their bathroom area has a baby changing table.
- Profile Coffee Bar. One of Portsmouth’s newer coffee shops on the scene, it is easily a mama’s favorite. Profile’s got great coffee, spacious bathrooms (with a changing table!), and scrumptious baked goods. Bonus: Vintage vinyl pours through their stereo — request their Muppets album.
- Diversions Puzzles & Games. One of the best kid-friendly shops on the Seacoast. Bathroom? Check. Kind, knowledgeable staff? Check. Bonus: Kids can play sample board games and puzzles in their lower level.
- British Beer Company. If you need a place to eat, this is your spot. Bonus: On Mondays, kids eat free with the purchase of one entree.
(For the FULL list, click here)
For those shops, businesses, and restaurants that have gone above and beyond the call of restroom design and dining experience to keep families in mind, I applaud you and shower you with gratitude. You are the Hail Mary that delivers when we need it most. I assure you, your awareness has not gone unnoticed. I encourage all my readers to support these thoughtful establishments in an act of appreciation.
To all my fellow parents out there: Portsmouth awaits you, pitstops and all. Happy exploring!