Seacoast Lactation Consultants: Get Help with Breastfeeding

This extensive guide is sponsored by Tailored Pediatric Medicine. With no co-pays, deductibles or uncovered services, Tailored Pediatrics is a Direct Primary Care (DPC) pediatric specialty practice.

Fed is always best! But if you’re breastfeeding, you might find yourself in need of some support — because “natural” can still be really hard. This list of Seacoast lactation consultants is here to help you during one of the most magical (and also trying) moments of motherhood. 

It’s important to remember that many Seacoast doulas are also lactation consultants. Additionally, you can always contact the hospital at which you delivered, they will have lactation consultants and breastfeeding groups they can refer you to. Please see the bottom of this post for their direct phone numbers. 

Finally, check out Jenna’s recent post on breastfeeding in public if you are gaining confidence but aren’t quite sure how to make the leap from couch to cafe! 

Amanda Gilman of The Mama Coach

Part of a national network of registered nurses, Amanda offers both sleep and lactation support for parents. Mostly available for virtual support, Amanda is located in Tilton, NH. 

NH Lactation Consulting

A private practice lactation consultant practice independently within the community, rather than at a hospital or doctors office.

Nourish Holistic Lactation and Infant Feeding Support

Offers in home, in office, and virtual services. For women using breast, bottle, pumping to feed their child. Serving Bedford, Manchester, Nashua, Concord, NH areas.

Nourish Postpartum Care

Alyssa Mancini is a nurse, lactation consultant, and holistic postpartum care provider serving the Seacoast of New Hampshire. Since relocating to Hawaii, she serves patients via virtual services rather than in person. 

Seacoast Lactation Services

Offering home or virtual visits. Serving towns throughout Southern Maine, New Hampshire, and Northern Massachusetts.


Christine is based in Portsmouth, NH but travels up to 40 minutes away for in-person at home visits.

Relief Parenting

Krista and the Relief facility are based in Hampton, NH and offer in-office, at home and virtual support.

Seacoast Hospitals Lactation Phone Numbers:

Anna Jacques Hospital – 978-463-1079

Beverly Hospital – 978-816-2203

Concord Birth Center – no specific lactation number, call general # (603) 228-8710

Dartmouth Hitchcock – 603-650-6159

Exeter Hospital – 603.580.6358 ext. 4324

Elliot Hospital – (603) 663-4464

Maine Medical Center – (207) 662-4555

Monodnack Birth Center – no specific lactation number, call general # (603) 352-5860

Portsmouth Regional Hospital (603) 433-4086

Southern New Hampshire Medical Center – (603) 281-6141

Wentworth Douglass Hospital – (603) 740-2233

York Hospital – (207) 351-2385

Thanks to our sponsor, we were able to make this guide as extensive as possible. This means, no businesses paid to be in this guide– inclusion is FREE. Have a business to add? Email us at

More from our Sponsor:

Tailored Pediatric Medicine

Seacoast Lactation ConsultantsTailored Pediatric Medicine, a specialty pediatric practice, offers the all-inclusive compassionate care and exceptional attention you want for your newborn. Newborn home visits and 24/7 access by secure text, phone, portal or email are all part of our membership-only Direct Primary Care (DPC). One affordable monthly fee – no co-pays, deductibles or uncovered services. Schedule a call or visit today to find out about the next-level care they can offer your newborn.

500 Market Street, Building 2B
Portsmouth, NH 03801


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