We’ve reached the part of winter I affectionately call, “The Doldrums”.
As a result, many cold weekends until “real spring”, it is time to re-activate our “mom-planning-powers”. If you are like me and find it helpful to have at least one thing to do over the weekend to get the kids out of the house, then this might be for you.
For that reason, I recommend you investigate your local Library’s Free and Discounted Pass Program. Each library offers their own program so make sure to look up yours before committing to your plans. Here are the 4 steps to activating your mom-planning powers with the Seacoast Library Museum Pass Program:
- First of all, you must be an active member of your Seacoast library. Furthermore, typically you must renew your card each year so they may ask to update your information when you make reservations.
- Your library will require you to pick a specific date of use. For example, if you are planning to go to the New England Aquarium on Saturday, March 23, then you will need to specify your desired date of use when making your reservation.
- Furthermore, some libraries require you to call to reserve your tickets and others ask that you use their on-line portal.
- Pick up the reserved passes (grab some books while you’re at it). Hopefully we can all agree that 50% off admission is worth a couple clicks.
Many of the big attractions are available at each library. For instance, below is a SAMPLE of what you might find in your library’s pass program.
MOM TIP: look up special exhibits at museums. Most noteworthy the Frida Kahlo exhibit is at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts until June 16. (Note to self – go! I’ll report back later this Spring).
Examples of Seacoast Library Museum Passes:
- CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF NEW HAMPSHIRE (Dover) One pass, admitting up to four persons at half the regular admission price.
- CURRIER MUSEUM OF ART (Manchester) Two passes, each admitting up to two persons; children under 18 admitted free.
- SEACOAST SCIENCE CENTER (Odiorne Point State Park, Rye) Two family passes, providing admission at half the regular price to the Science Center only.
- CHILDREN’S MUSEUM (Boston) One pass, admitting up to four persons at half the regular admission price.
- INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART (Boston) One pass, admitting up to two persons at $5 each.
- ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM (Boston) One pass, admitting up to four persons at $5 each.
- MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS (Boston) One pass, admitting two persons at $10 each; children six and under admitted free.
- MUSEUM OF SCIENCE (Boston) One pass, admitting up to four persons to the Exhibit Halls at a charge of $10 per person. Turn in pass at Non-members window. Does not include admission to Omni Theater or Planetarium. Some great new exhibits to explore!
- NEW ENGLAND AQUARIUM (Boston) One pass, admitting up to four persons at a charge of $10 each. Not available from July 1 through Labor Day.
- PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM (Salem) One pass, admitting two adults to the Museum for $12 each; children 16 and under admitted free.
- CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF MAINE (Portland) One pass, admitting up to four persons at half the regular admission price.
- PORTLAND MUSEUM OF ART (Portland) One family pass, providing free admission for two adults and up to six children under the age of 18.
Find Your Seacoast Library Museum Pass Program by Town Below:
Durham Public Library **Thinking ahead to summer, Durham offers Castle in the Clouds passes.
Hampton – Lane Library **Hampton offers Zoo New England Passes starting April 1
Newfields – Paul Memorial Library
Rochester Library: **Rochester also offers discounted theatre passes to The Seacoast Rep, Rochester Opera House and Hackmatack Playhouse
Seabrook Library: ** Offers Canterbury Shaker Village Passes
Above all, my super-mom friends, I hope that you find something fun to do that will help you navigate through the March doldrums and get our maniac children out of the house until we can set them free in the warmer days. Equally important, maybe they will even learn something! These Seacoast Library Museum Passes will save your weekends, trust me.
Share your Mom Tips with us below in the comment section or by tagging us in your Stories on Instagram (@seacoastmoms).
This was a terrific blog full of information, tips and a little humor for the March doldrums. We live in a region full of educational and entertaining opprtunities to inform us and this article was a great reminder of where to go alone or with families….. and how to make it a bit more affordable. Thank you.
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