Happy New Year! New school year, that is. Though we're still a good four months away from 2020, there’s something about September and going back to school that also sparks a spirit of new beginnings for me. Just like...
Winter on the Seacoast can be long, dreary, and really cold. Luckily, we have great options to keep us busy outside in the snow. But sometimes, it’s just too chilly to venture out. In those cases, what’s a parent...
Transitioning from summer mode to school mode can be difficult for everyone. This year it's harder than ever. Many kids have been remote and may be going back in person for the first time in over a year. That...
Now that we are on the verge of school closing throughout the nation, we are all faced with this challenge: homeschooling during COVID-19. I'm not gonna lie, I've considered driving to Florida so at least we could hunker down...
In the long list of "to do's" in getting our kids back to school, a trip to a hair salon usually makes the cut (yes, I went there). But for some of us, it's a daunting task. Many children...
This year, more than ever, it's important to positively connect with our kids after school. School days can be long and exhausting, no matter what age they are at. Once they are out of school, they likely don’t enjoy...
Car rides with young children are...enjoyable. Not exactly! Car rides with little kids are... quiet. Nope, not if they are awake! However, car rides can be both of these with some quality podcasts for kids. Huge bonus is they...
If your children have entered middle and high school then likely they have started asking for the trendy styles and feel pressure to wear the name brand clothing that dons their peers in the hallways. And moms, I know...
I did everything right. From exposing my kids to countless books to blending fun literacy activities into their everyday lives, I was convinced that my kids would have absolutely no trouble when it came to their reading skills. Boy, was...
Winter in New England means we need to be ready for any and all weather. The LOAD of items that have to go to school with my children each morning seems endless! No matter what season it is, I...

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In + Around Seacoast

Uniting Mothers as Advocates

I distinctly remember laying in my bed when I was in the thick of my infertility journey and seeing the first photos of the...
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