There are oodles of resources out there for new moms, covering everything from breastfeeding and attachment parenting to sleep training and discipline. Moms are often viewed as the point person, captain, and leader of all things related to child rearing....
Where do I even begin with this topic? It's so heavy, so painful, so time consuming, so...much. I could sit on the couch for hours replaying my days, and thinking something like this: Which child did I neglect today?.... did they...
I've been living in Portsmouth for five years now and, I have to say, it grows on me every year. Sure, the winters are long and the parking is atrocious (insert eye roll) but my town is as sweet...
Did we just win the lottery? Nope. These are the faces of two excited parents about to go out to dinner on our own. These are the faces of two excited parents who almost never do this. I think...
Ever since the days of preschool playdates, monkey platters have been a mainstay in our household. Forget trying to craft edible and allergen-free creations for eight unruly and opinionated preschoolers. The monkey platter pleases and nourishes all. The inspiration...
When I said I wanted to have a baby, what I meant was, I'm ready to be a Pinterest mom. You know the mom I’m talking about. The mom who lost all of her baby weight one week postpartum,...
It's nearing the end of another school year. I feel the excitement of a new beginning. The sun is finally shining, the flowers are in bloom, and the public parks are bubbling over with children happy to be playing...
I revel in the memory of days when hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock was a casual indulgence instead of a far-fetched fantasy. Whether you are a working mom outside or inside the home, or a stay...
My water broke as I got out of bed on a Sunday morning. Twenty-four grueling hours later, I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. We spent that day getting to know one another and that night...
Close your eyes and imagine an innocent little girl. Envision her being neglected; distrusting of men and abandoned by her very own mother. Heartbreaking. Unthinkable. Gut-wrenching. Neglect and abuse is occurring every day. There are over 400,000 children in the...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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