Books can be a mom's best friend. Reading empowers us with knowledge and give us answers to those tiny questions that keep us up in the middle of the night: Why won't she stop crying? How can I get him...
  Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Seacoast Birth & Family Connection, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own. I distinctly remember the feeling I had when I first walked into Seacoast Birth & Family Connection to attend a...
Food! What a glorious subject! If only we could eat whatever we wanted and still feel fabulous, right? Way back when I was a teenager, I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain an ounce. I would regularly...

Respecting the Breasts

In honor of National Breastfeeding Week, I want to share my gratitude to a special team of people who helped make my breastfeeding experience possible, with the hope that it might inspire and empower new moms. As women, we know...
How many people can you fit in an airplane bathroom? Barely one, right? Recently, I worked some mom magic. I fit myself, one adult female, and my twin almost two-year-old boys in an airplane bathroom. How did I get in this position,...
I knew I would head back to work after my maternity leave long before pregnancy hormones had really kicked in, or I could act upon any fleeting thoughts to "up and quit." Even before my twin boys came into this...
After weeks of beautiful and busy family events, fun in the sun, late nights, too many adult lemonades, and lots of BBQ, I think that my body is ready for cold weather hibernation. There apparently is not enough hot...
I was always a competitive person. I have, what you call, drive. Like, straight-As, run-until-I-puke drive. It's one of my favorite things about myself: when I want something I go for it. This trait serves me well. But it...
I had barely wrapped my head around the fact that I was pregnant with my second child, when the financial reality came crashing down. Full-time childcare for two children would cost about one-third of our household income.  It was time to...
Seacoast Moms Blog is thrilled to introduce you to Fair Change, a new crowdfunding campaign developed by local parents. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Fair Change, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own. Local parents Nikki and...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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