Tag: occupational therapy

Best Outdoor Toys for Winter

For Christmas this year, I want gifts that will inspire children to play outdoors more regularly. In this cold NH weather, it's easy to...

Hand Preference – Left or Right?

Do you have a good sense of your child's hand preference? I am a pediatric occupational therapist, and this is a common conversation that I...

Ready for Kindergarten! A Look at the Kindergarten Screening Process

Kindergarten screenings are coming up at the local elementary schools. All the moms from my parent groups are having these crazed conversations - what...

How To Tell if Your Child Needs Occupational Therapy

Kids do all kinds of crazy things, right? In response, you hear things like "boys will be boys" and "she will grow out of...

Why W-sitting is a “no-no”

I get asked all the time "What is W-sitting anyway?" and "Why is W-sitting bad for my child?" and "What should I do to...
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