Tag: chores
How to Invite your Partner to the Fair Play Conversation
Family challenge often provokes interest in The Fair Play Method. There are often feelings of anger, resentment and frustration present, which creates the need...
The Benefits of Organizing for Families – Part I
What if you could start one new habit this year that saved time, money, and even improved your mood? Would you do it? Yes?...
5 Tips for Raising Financially Literate Kids
We often share personal information with our children to prepare them for adulthood. But, like sex or other tough topics, we often gloss over...
Barn Raised: How Farming Impacts Kids
When I married a 5th generation Maine farmer over a decade ago, I never imagined that part of the bargain was raising farm kids....
Good Behavior And Chore Charts: My Game Changers
I despise having to ask my teenager and twin girls to do something repeatedly. Nor do I want to hear the grunts and sighs they...
What Happens When You Give a Mom a Kid-Free Afternoon
Ever wonder why you never get any relaxation in during a kid-free afternoon? Turns out, there is a children's book that explains it pretty...