Join The Maine Dippers #DipDowntoRiseUp (York contingent) and #TwoMaineMermaids (Portland contingent) for an all-are-welcome community dip to support NAMI Maine + acknowledge the first day of Mental Health Awareness Month.
Cold water immersion is a practice seen worldwide and in your own neighborhood. The benefits are real and dippers note proven key outcomes in overall mental and physical wellness.
Amy Hopkins of RISE Wellness Collective in York, ME has been leading the #DipDownToRiseUp community group since January 2021 – scheduling weekly (if not daily) dips throughout the winter and spring. Amy has recently connected with NAMI Maine in an effort to use her cold water community energies to support their crucial York County services.
Come dip (or just watch and cheer) at York Harbor Beach, York, ME on Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 10am. We look forward to RISING UP, together, on May 1st!