We spend a lot of time in our cars and, now that fall is here, we travel a lot. Family weekend trips to apple orchards and pumpkin patches are in full swing. And many of us have started holiday shopping...at least for...
There are many different reasons people love fall, but I think we can all agree on at least one thing--fall in the Seacoast  is the best! The crisp air, the smell of fresh apples, and the color of the leaves...
I love rainy days. I feel like they always come just when I need a sign from the Universe to slow down. Our world is in a state of chaos, and I can't seem to find a balance between fighting my...
Here is your guide to NH Seacoast events and beyond for September! This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive event guide, so if you have suggestions or any great events that we’ve missed, please leave a...
It is hard to believe that August is almost over. I mean, how did this happen? I am amazed by how quickly time creeps by me. I know, so cliche. But seriously. Someone told me today that a couple...
I belong to a lot of local Seacoast mom and parenting groups on Facebook. It seems like every week somebody posts asking for ideas about what to do and where to take their kids for some fun. There are some...
I know many parents avoid traveling with young kids, thinking it will be easier when they get older. I know that thinking about the prep, the logistics, and the exhaustion that will ensue makes a weekend at home sounds...
Here is your guide to NH Seacoast events and beyond for August! This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive event guide, so if you have suggestions or any great events that we’ve missed, please leave a...
After weeks of beautiful and busy family events, fun in the sun, late nights, too many adult lemonades, and lots of BBQ, I think that my body is ready for cold weather hibernation. There apparently is not enough hot...
When I was a child, I considered a culinary delight to be a chicken nugget Happy Meal. Fast-forward a few decades and my joy now lies in unearthing the Seacoast’s culinary treasures (especially in the warmer months!) Dining out...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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