On any given Fall Sunday in New England, you’ll find a camaraderie among individuals huddled together cheering on their favorite football team. Whether it’s on the field watching their child play flag football, or from the comfort of their...
Here is your guide to NH Seacoast events and beyond for August! This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive event guide, so if you have suggestions or any great events that we’ve missed, please leave a...
I love rainy days. I feel like they always come just when I need a sign from the Universe to slow down. Our world is in a state of chaos, and I can't seem to find a balance between fighting my...
We are heading into beach season, longer days outside, and family vacations. But along with the wonderful weather comes a lot of time in the sun. Sometimes even with careful application of sunscreen and the right clothing, sunburns still...
  While I enjoy each of New England’s four seasons, my children will tell you that, hands down, summer is a prized time for them. It represents the end of yet another school year and reasonable structure as we know...
Urban Homesteading seems like the ultimate oxymoron. However, the notion of homesteading means different things to different people.  Urban Homesteading-101 is really about a creating a sustainable lifestyle, with a back-to-basics approach.  Homesteading doesn't have to mean living in a classic...
The Seacoast is the perfect place to live if you kayak. There is an abundance of rivers, lakes, and estuaries available for flatwater paddling. During the pandemic, the public has flocked to the outdoors as a safe and healthy...
Here is your guide to NH Seacoast events and beyond for September! This is in no way intended to be a comprehensive event guide, so if you have suggestions or any great events that we’ve missed, please leave a...
Heading this last part of summer in New Hampshire, we're all trying to find ways to beat the heat. Water play is a fantastic option if your child is still uncomfortable in the water, you need an outdoor activity to...
It is hard to believe that August is almost over. I mean, how did this happen? I am amazed by how quickly time creeps by me. I know, so cliche. But seriously. Someone told me today that a couple...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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