Learning sports and building skills and athleticism is typically part of childhood. Through gym class, local recreation programs and organized teams, kids have abundant options to try new sports. As parents, we are our young athletes chauffeurs, uniform and equipment...
For parents, the soon-to-be empty nest looms large the entire year before the last child graduates and moves out. Even the long humid days and nights of summer seem shorter when your child is packing to leave! Before you...
You've probably heard the term "Mom Brain". In fact, the term even has its own entry in the Urban Dictionary. It’s discussed in parenting books, psychological and scientific literature as well as social media and television shows. The Science Behind...
As someone who is personally impacted by infertility, I am reminded daily of how grateful I am for treatment. According to The World Health Organization, 1 in 6 couples are effected by infertility. Despite the large number of people...
 you you Do you have your elder care documents in line? When it comes to caring for elders in your life, or your partner, the last thing you want to navigate in a time of crisis or health decline...
I am a white, cisgender, straight woman with health insurance. Because of these things, I move through the healthcare system with privilege. Yet, even I was gaslit for years about my medical concerns. What do I have to show...
Caregiving for aging parents. Most of us in our 40s, 50s and even some of us in our 30s (ok I’m not!) face this. If you have been in this situation, you’ve experienced the painful impact of a diagnosis...
Yoga poses for your parasympathetic nervous system? Whoa Rachel, enough with the fancy words already! I know, I know, but listen up, the parasympathetic nervous system is something we should all be trying to understand right now because this...
I had to say goodbye to our family dog this week. Summit was eight years old and had been suffering from cancer for at least seven months. Leading up to the vet appointment to put her down, I told...
If we want women to thrive in the workplace, we must address challenges holding them back. One barrier is the domestic and childcare responsibilities women face at home. Organizations have the opportunity to address this. The solution, introduce the...

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In + Around Seacoast

5 Seacoast Peaks Your Kid Can Summit

When you think of the Seacoast, I’m assuming that mountains don’t readily come to mind. However, while the southeastern portion of New Hampshire and...
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